Monday, September 27, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Around

I believe without a doubt, what goes around...comes around. If you dish it out, you better be ready to take it. Perfect example:

I was at the bar this weekend. I was the DD, so I wasn't drinking. My friends and I were all dancing and having a good time and I had to use the restroom, so I left them on the dance floor. (Side note: they should have 3 women's restrooms for every man's restroom. Just putting that idea out there.) Anyway..I was on my way back and I walked by this guy who was 3 sheets to the wind.

So I walk by this guy and he reaches out and grabs me, not just touch but Grab! I don't care if you are drunk or not, there is no excuse for that. So I turned around and got in his face and told him to never do that again (there was a few expletives in there that I won't type). So he let me go and acted shocked (as shocked as a drunk man can get) that I reacted that way. Because clearly any woman in the bar wants to be pawed by every man they walk by.

So here comes the Karma part of the story. He gets up to walk right after that and slipped in someones spilled drink. Well he is drunk so down he goes like a ton of bricks, flat on his back. The best part is that he had a full drink in his hand that he spilled on himself as he was falling.

I may sound like a horrible person, but I pointed and laughed hysterically!! So in conclusion...What goes around comes around! Hahahaha

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