Thursday, October 14, 2010

Being an adult means....

1. Paying your bills (and paying them on time!)

2. Going to work everyday...even if you don't want too

3. Taking responsibility for your actions, even if they were wrong

4. Cleaning up, even if your parent's are not there to tell you to do it

5. Having insurance, whether it be auto, home, life or health we all need it. I know...everyone hates insurance, but suck it up. It is a necessary part of life.

6. Doing the laundry

7. Doing what needs done, even if it isn't what you want to do

8. Living on your own. You can't live with your parents forever! (Well maybe you could, but why would you want too?

9. Budgeting your money (no you can't go out and blow your paycheck on whatever strikes your fancy)

10. Being yourself, even if that means not fitting in with the "crowd"

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Customer is NOT Always Right!

Whoever believes "the customer is always right" obviously never worked in customer service.

Since I have been 16-years-old, I have always worked with the general public. Let me tell you, 9 times out of 10 they are definitely WRONG! (I just made up that little fun fact haha). I don't mind a healthy debate with one of our customers, but when they start getting hostile and cursing at me, I get defensive. I had a man call the other day very upset from the start. He wouldn't let me get a word in and he just ranted and raved continuously. I tried in vain to answer all the questions and problems he had, to no avail. He eventually told me to "stop talking to me like I'm a damn idiot!" It took everything I had not to say, "Well then stop being a damn idiot!" I refrained though, and he finally calmed down and listened to what I had to say.

So the next time you think about yelling or screaming at someone who is just doing their job, please think twice! (If they deserve it, it is ok though hehe) Every once in a while, you will get someone in customer service who just hates life and is rude. I don't think it is right to be mean back, just ignore it and go on with your day. I think you should try to be nice to everyone you meet, you might just brighten someone's day!

I appreciate all comments!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

If I have to live through another blonde moment!

So basically my blonde moment for today boils down to this....I gave someone too much change. This is how it all happened:

I get to work about 5 minutes before the actual office opens to customers. I get my computer turned on and I get my poptarts open and start eating (yes I have poptarts almost every day for breakfast). So one of our customers shows up to make a payment before we even open! Of course I am the one who gets stuck helping him.

He gives me the money and I go to get him change. I give him $12 back and he leaves. I then realize that "oh no!! those three $20s he gave me were actually two $20s and a $10!" I gave him $10 too much. (Hey not necessarily my fault, I didn't get a chance to eat my poptarts yet!) So I tried to call the number we have listed for him and of course it is no longer a working number.

So here comes the wonderful part...he calls me about 3 hours later and tells me I gave him too much change. Hallelujah for good Samaritan's!! He is going to bring it back to me so therefore I don't have to pay it out of my pocket! Thank you very much gentleman who shall remain nameless!

So besides a different man who proceeded to call and yell at me and tell me "not to talk to him like a damn idiot" My day is looking considerably brighter!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Be a Certain Extent

I am the kind of girl that will be standing at the checkout counter and if I see the cashier has something stuck in her teeth, I will tell her in a heartbeat. Now I know that may seem rude and the cashier might even get embarrassed, but at least she won't spend the rest of her shift with broccoli in her teeth.

I say be honest, but to a certain extent because there is a fine line between honesty and being rude. If I go clothes shopping with my friends, I will honestly tell them if something does not look good. I will be polite, but I won't lie and say something looks good if it doesn't. Then again, I would never go up to a stranger and tell them what they are wearing looks horrible. I will be the first one to tell you if you have something in your teeth or you have a booger though! This may seem strange, but I would want someone to tell me rather than let me walk around all day like that.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life Lesson #6

Do not leave your clothes in the dressing room!!

Seriously people, this is an easy one. If you take the clothes in there, take them back out!! I was shopping at Kohl's yesterday and the lady that works there had the audacity to tell me to take my clothes out of the dressing room. I can honestly say I have NEVER left any clothes in a dressing room. I think that is unbelievably rude. The thing is, she only said it to me. Everyone else walking in and out she didn't say a word to. The hilarious thing is that a mom was helping her daughter try clothes on and when they left the dressing room, she told her daughter, "Just leave all the clothes in there; that is her job to clean them up." People have a misguided notion that all younger people are rude. I am very far from it. So anyway I sympathize with the grumpy woman who told me to take the clothes out of there when I was done. Have you seen some of those dressing rooms? Total messes. The next time you are trying on clothes, be kind and put them in the designated area when you are finished.

I appreciate any and all comments. If you wanted to follow my blog...that would be awesome too!

Friday, October 1, 2010 honor of October 1st

Since today is October First, I am getting pretty psyched for Halloween. I had a party last year and this is how one side of my basement was decorated. It was pretty awesome with all the lights out. We switched out the regular lights with black lights. I will post more pics of last Halloween later.

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