Seriously people, this is an easy one. If you take the clothes in there, take them back out!! I was shopping at Kohl's yesterday and the lady that works there had the audacity to tell me to take my clothes out of the dressing room. I can honestly say I have NEVER left any clothes in a dressing room. I think that is unbelievably rude. The thing is, she only said it to me. Everyone else walking in and out she didn't say a word to. The hilarious thing is that a mom was helping her daughter try clothes on and when they left the dressing room, she told her daughter, "Just leave all the clothes in there; that is her job to clean them up." People have a misguided notion that all younger people are rude. I am very far from it. So anyway I sympathize with the grumpy woman who told me to take the clothes out of there when I was done. Have you seen some of those dressing rooms? Total messes. The next time you are trying on clothes, be kind and put them in the designated area when you are finished.
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