My husband will be going back for his second tour in Iraq in January of 2012. So the year long count down started the beginning of this month. I will be writing about the trials and tribulations of this tough time. We haven't received his official orders yet, so I guess you could say it is not set in stone. The first time he was gone, it was an emotional roller coaster. I would go from laughing to crying in the space of a second. I had my good days and my bad, definitely more bad than good. If there are any other military spouses that choose to follow this, I appreciate any and all comments and questions.
For my first post back, I am gonna talk about our dog Peanut. I had previous posts about him, but I will put a picture in here so you can see him.
This is Peanut. He is about 10 months old I think. Everyone says he is so ugly he is cute, but I have to disagree. I think he is going to be one of the toughest things to deal with when my husband is over seas. My husband is the one who plays with him and gets him all tired out to cuddle with me. :) Whenever he isn't home, Peanut just goes crazy. He barks constantly and just generally misbehaves. So that will be one obstacle to overcome.
I will be writing more regularly, so check back and leave some feedback or comments if you want. I usually just write about whatever comes to mind, so I hope you enjoy. Have a good night!!!
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