1. American Soldier- Toby Keith
What person associated with the Armed Forces can't love this song? This is a great one for wives, husbands, soldiers, children and all family alike.
2.Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue- Toby Keith
What can I say? The man can sing a good military song. This song is excellent. It makes you proud to be an
3. Letters from War- Mark Schultz
Ladies, this one is sure to make you cry. It has a happy ending though. This is one of my favorites, I would listen to it whenever I needed a good cry.
4. Bumper of My SUV- Chely Wright
This song reminds us how narrow minded some people can be. It is a reminder that not everyone supports our troops and that is sad. It is a wonderful song!
5. I'm Already There- Lonestar
A reminder that no matter where your soldier may be, he is always in your heart.
6. Soldiers and Jesus- James Otto
This is one of my personal favorites. I absolutely love this song and completely agree with it. If there is one song you should listen to, it is definitely this one.
7. A Soldier's Wife- Roxie Dean
She sings a lot of truths about being a military wife. It's a hard life and it takes a special woman to be married to a soldier.
8. Sleeping with the Telephone- Reba McIntyre & Faith Hill
This is a new one for me. It is not one of the best ones in my opinion, but still good.
9. Just a Dream- Carrie Underwood
This is another one that will make you cry. I remember the first time I heard it, on my way to work. I was crying so hard by the time I got there. This is every military spouses worst nightmare.
10. Letters from Home- John Michael Montgomery
This is another good one. If you know anyone deployed, you should keep in touch. They need all the support from home they can get :)
There are a million more I could put on here, but that is enough for now. I will have future posts with more military songs on them. If you have any to suggest just let me know and I will include them in the next one. I appreciate any and all comments. It would be great if you wanted to follow my blog:)
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