First of all, who decided to put the same amount of women's and men's bathrooms in a building? Have you people ever been to a bar? There will be a huge line coming out of the girl's bathroom and no one in the men's. Why you may ask? Well lets look at the facts:
1. Women have to sit down, men don't.
2. Women have to take time to wipe, men don't.
3. Women then wash their hands, probably most men don't. haha!!
4. Women inevitably end up fixing their hair, makeup, etc; most men don't care what they look like!
So I say there should be at least 2 women's bathroom for every man's. I think most women would agree with me. Can I get an Amen sista's?? The boys just go in, whip it out, take care of business and get out. It will never be that simple for women!
My next opinion has to do with occupied stalls. Would it be so hard to make it so when you turn the lock it says occupied?? Well...would it? Instead when you walk in, you do this fun dance of trying to look for feet under all the stalls. Come on know you have done this before!
On that note, can we get stalls that actually lock? How many times have you chosen a stall just to go in and discover that it doesn't even lock? I really don't think I am asking to much here. I would love to know your opinions on all of this. If you have anything to add, let me know!
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