Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life gets hectic sometimes. So it is tax time again...ugh!
I was actually excited about getting my taxes done this year. Last year we got a TON of money back and I was expecting the same this year. Turns out we got less than a fifth of what we got last year. It took all my strength not to cry when we were getting our taxes prepared. (I am NOT a cry baby! I have pms and I am super emotional haha) I was just looking forward to having that extra money in the bank and now it ain't gonna happen. I was also looking forward to sitting on the beach and drinking margaritas, but that ain't gonna happen either.
Ok now I have to rant a little bit and I will apologize ahead of time if I offend anyone. Me and my husband both work 40+ hours a week. I have worked a full time job since I graduated high school. So for 5 years now I have been working full time. There were times where I barely managed to pay my bills, but I survived. I am so sick and tired of seeing all these young girls popping babies out left and right and then living off OUR tax money that we pay into the government. If you are young and wanna pop out a few bambinos and can afford to take care of my guest. If you are just dumb and don't know how to keep your legs closed...there is a thing called BIRTH CONTROL!!!
So when we were getting our taxes prepared (and I was trying not to let my tears of frustration flow) the tax lady told us something very interesting. Apparently if you are a regular working class citizen such as myself, you get $1000 per child you have. Since I don't have any, I didn't get that money. If you are a low income get $3500 per child!! So basically we pay all this money into taxes and the people who don't wanna work get it. Now I am not talking about everyone. I know there are people out there who honestly try and I commend you for that. If you work for a living and do everything you can and still need help, then I don't mind that. What I think is bull crap is the people who just freeload off the government because they know they can. I know quite a few people who do this and it makes me want to smack some sense into them.
So back to my story...the tax lady told us this woman came in to get her taxes done. She has 3 children and only made $12,000 last year. She ended up getting over $9,000 back on her taxes!! So by the end of the year...she ended up making a few thousand short of what I make working 40 hours a week every week. Heck why don't we all just quit our jobs and work part time somewhere and just live off government assistance. This may sound harsh, but I just get sick and tired of it.
Here's another example: When I was in high school, I had all intentions of going to college. Well come to find out, my parents made too much money so I couldn't get any government assistance with college. My only option was to take out student loans and I didn't want to be in debt for the rest of my life. I tried to explain to them that I was living on my own. (I moved out when I was 18). They said it didn't matter that I was on my own, it still goes by your parent's salary. So my parents couldn't afford to send me to college and the government wouldn't help me no college for me. I know this sounds like a pity party, but middle income people seem to get no breaks in life. You make too much to get help with anything, but you barely make enough to squeak by in life.
So now that I have completely gotten off the subject I will end this post. So the woman that probably barely worked all year got back a lot more money than we did on our taxes. Am I jealous? maybe, but I think I have a right to be. They take a ton of money out of my checks every week and they end up giving it to the "low income" people. What about us regular folks just trying to pay our bills every month? Between paying federal, state, medicare, medicaid and property taxes...I think I should be considered low income too!
I appreciate all comments and if you wanna follow my blog that would be fantastic!
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