Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Customer is NOT Always Right!

Whoever believes "the customer is always right" obviously never worked in customer service.

Since I have been 16-years-old, I have always worked with the general public. Let me tell you, 9 times out of 10 they are definitely WRONG! (I just made up that little fun fact haha). I don't mind a healthy debate with one of our customers, but when they start getting hostile and cursing at me, I get defensive. I had a man call the other day very upset from the start. He wouldn't let me get a word in and he just ranted and raved continuously. I tried in vain to answer all the questions and problems he had, to no avail. He eventually told me to "stop talking to me like I'm a damn idiot!" It took everything I had not to say, "Well then stop being a damn idiot!" I refrained though, and he finally calmed down and listened to what I had to say.

So the next time you think about yelling or screaming at someone who is just doing their job, please think twice! (If they deserve it, it is ok though hehe) Every once in a while, you will get someone in customer service who just hates life and is rude. I don't think it is right to be mean back, just ignore it and go on with your day. I think you should try to be nice to everyone you meet, you might just brighten someone's day!

I appreciate all comments!

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