"Actually, I think all addiction starts with soda. Every junkie did soda first. But no one counts that. Maybe they should. The soda connection is clear. Why isn't a presidential commission looking into this? Or at least some guys from the National Carbonation Council."
- Chris Rock
I made an unconscious decision at the beginning of this year to stop drinking pop (or as some folks call it, soda). Why unconscious you ask? Because I never really decided to stop drinking it, it just sort of happened. I started drinking more water and in turn cut out all the Mountain Dew I was knocking back. I mean who doesn't love a bubbly caffeine fueled Mountain Dew? The trick is to not completely cut it out. I was drinking 1-2 pops per day, and now I am down to that many per week. So I guess I haven't completely given it up, but have made a big leap in that direction.
I tried to quit drinking pop cold turkey before...it was not pretty. I lasted about a month. It seemed like all I could think about was my beloved Mountain Dew (okay maybe a slight exaggeration, but a girl is allowed that once in a while). Once I indulged myself, I couldn't stop. Haha okay, so I have to admit, it wasn't that bad. I am super proud of myself for giving it up (mostly) though.
What is your favorite pop? Do you know of anyone who doesn't drink pop at all? I appreciate all comments and feedback.
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